Drop and Re-build indexes | SQL Server Performance Forums

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Drop and Re-build indexes

Hello, I work for a large organization that stores a large amount of data in DB2 on an OS390 mainframe, all of the daily transactions are stored there, however all external departments access the data via SQLServer, so, we move a lot of data every night, since the systems were not set up with these functions in mind, we have to move almost all tables entirely. What we want to do, is prior to the first job running in the night, we want to drop all indexes, then allow the jobs to run as they currently do, then rebuild all the indexes after all the loads are finished. This data is strictly read-only. I have figured out how to do the DBCC REINDEX, but that is a real time drop and rebuild, not disjoined as I would need. The only way I can figure is a script to generate the create statements for all of the indexes to be run following the loads. Am I incorrect in this assumption? Can anyone point me in the right direction in accomplishing this task? Thanks.
True about REINDEX.
One way is to script indexes using EM with option drop and create and work with that script, firsr with drop and second with create.
Luis Martin
SQL-Server-Performance.com The views expressed here are those of the author and no one else. There are no warranties as to the reliability or accuracy of anything presented here.
Follow as suggested by Luis and for information this threadhttp://www.sql-server-performance.com/forum/topic.asp?TOPIC_ID=444&SearchTerms=rebuild,indexes HTH Satya SKJ
This posting is provided “AS IS” with no rights for the sake of knowledge sharing.