dts MsSQL2000 can run on mssql 2005? | SQL Server Performance Forums

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dts MsSQL2000 can run on mssql 2005?

I may know that whether SQL2005 Express Edition or SQL 2005 Express Advance Edition can run the dts MsSQL2000? As refer to the following website it allow to run DTS athttp://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyID=d09c1d60-a13c-4479-9b91-9e8b9d835cdc.
The Data Transformation Services (DTS) runtime, included with MSDE, is not included with SQL Server 2005 Express. The DTS runtime allows SQL Server 2005 Express to run existing DTS packages. Though not built-in to SQL Server 2005 Express, the DTS runtime components can be downloaded and installed along side of SQL Server 2005 Express. You will find the DTS runtime installer on the Microsoft Download Center at
http://www.microsoft.com/technet/prodtechnol/sql/2005/msde2sqlexpress.mspx MohammedU.
In the ms sql 2005 express edition,can we edit the related DTS or design the related DTS as well? The MS SQL 2005 EXPRESS edition can run the dts at run time then how can it to be done?and any interface or function to run it. Hope to get the details. thanks again.