DTS option | SQL Server Performance Forums

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DTS option

Where do we find the DTS option in SQL Server 2005.
And also,can we restore the packages written in SQL 2000 into SQL 2005 Please advise me
Hi, The DTS is replaced with Integration Services(SSIS) in SQL Server 2005. for backward compatibility you can go to Management Studio –> Management –>Legacy –>Data Transformation Service option . You can import SQL 2000 package using Import package option. But this will not be available in future versions of SQL Server. So it is better to convert DTS to SSIS package. Madhu
http://www.sqlservercentral.com/columnists/bknight/upgradingsqlserver2000dtspackagestossis.asp Satya SKJ
Microsoft SQL Server MVP
Contributing Editor & Forums Moderator
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