Ent. Mgr. ridiculus delay…. | SQL Server Performance Forums

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Ent. Mgr. ridiculus delay….

When expanding the Database folder in Ent. Mgr. we are experiencing a delay of upto 3 minutes. If we expand the Mgmnt. folder or any of the other folders, the delay is minimal. Furthermore, the delay only takes place when using Ent. Mgr. remotely, not on the server itself. Recently we switched the SQL Services to run as a domain account rather than a local account, thinking this would solve the problem. It didnt. Suggestions?
You can try with the following.
1>Register the server in client machine with IP address if not.
2>Use client network utility to add the server name.
3>Install latest service pack and latest MDAC 2.8
It may case due to mismatch of client tools installed and mis-configuration in lmhosts file to reach that SQL server. Changing SQL server service account doesn’t deal with this problem.
You must check the same connectivity from other client machine also.
Try to replace SQL client tools. Satya SKJ
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