Error: 14258 | SQL Server Performance Forums

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Error: 14258

Hi Guru, I just found out that one of my SQL 2005 reporting server is experiencing this issue. "Error 14258: Cannot perform this operation while SQLServerAgent is starting. Try again later." I’ve seen lots people fixed this issue by switching to thread mode. However, the server has only 1 CPU and of course is running on default configuration(thread mode). We had a vendor used their tool (JAVA BASED) to pull data from Oracle to SQL Server. I terminated this process a week ago when I found out this tool would take three weeks to import 18 million records from Oracle to SQL Server. SQL Server has been rolling back more than a week and expecting a few more days to be completed. Is this rolling back causing error 14258? Thanks so much,
KBA fyi. Satya SKJ
Microsoft SQL Server MVP
Contributing Editor & Forums Moderator
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Satya, The server already is running on default configuration (thread mode).
exaclty the same error hope you can got the fix from above link —————————————-
Contributing Editor, Writer & Forums Moderator
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I believe you need to try a restart to SQLAgent in this case, I don’t this the rollback is due to the SQLAgent error as the processes are different to each other. Also confirm whether the SQLagent is using a domain account or local system account? Satya SKJ
Microsoft SQL Server MVP
Contributing Editor & Forums Moderator
This posting is provided AS IS with no rights for the sake of knowledge sharing.