Error 16943 in Production Please help URGENT !! | SQL Server Performance Forums

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Error 16943 in Production Please help URGENT !!

All, We had some table corruptions in one of our SQL 2000 production server and unfortunately we had to restore from some old data. Here are the sequence of steps that we did. 1. Renamed the corrupted table to old (As we the application wanted to extract the data later).
2. Created the table with the original name,
3. Create its dependent objects like indexes etc
4. Recreated the stored procedure. When we fire the stored procedure, hitting the following error : Error 16943
Could not complete the cursor operation
because the table schema changed after the cursor was declared Not sure what went wrong. Any help is much appreciated as we have no clues how to proceed from here to recover the data in production. Thanks VM !

Is any of the procedure/cursor might be modifying the table… MohammedU.
Have you perform DBCC CHECKDB before restoring or even after restoring the data from the backup, do you know those backup files are consistent and good to go. Check whether any other errors associated with this database file or on server having such issues with data corruption, hardware is best one to go on.
Satya SKJ
Microsoft SQL Server MVP
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