Error 8144 two many arguments specified & Error 20 | SQL Server Performance Forums

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Error 8144 two many arguments specified & Error 20

Hello Folks, We recently set up replication on SQL Server 2005 and it’s working fine till yesterday. We added a new column to the published article yesterday and that broke replication and threw an error "procedure or function sp_MsIns_TableName is missing parameter @c76 (the newly added column is 76th column in this table) Error Number 201" but I verified the replicated system stored procedures (sp_MSins_%, sp_MSupd_%, sp_MSdel%) are up to date with latest schema changes and even the subscriber table has the new column. I have no idea why it’s throwing the above error messase ("procedure or function sp_MsIns_TableName is missing parameter @c76 (the newly added column is 76th column in this table) Error Number 201" ). After lot of struggle to crack down the error, I thought the new column would be the problem and dropped the column on publisher and updated all replicated stored procedures and subscriber article (dropped new column) but now I got different error and that one says "Procedure or function sp_MSins_HHResume has too many arguments specified. (Source: MSSQLServer, Error number: 8144)".
After some online research, I found that the publisher and subscriber are on two different versions builds in my environment (Publisher is on SQL Server 2005 SP2 and Subscriber is on SQL Server 2005 SP1) and still I am not sure about this one. I really appreciate if you can share your experience about this issue or point me to the right source of information. Thanks, BK
Bhushan Kalla
I don’t recollect sp_MSins_HHResume is a system stored procedure and based on the changes check the stored procedure against the number of parameters being the error is obvious saying too many arguments. Satya SKJ
Microsoft SQL Server MVP
Writer, Contributing Editor & Moderator
This posting is provided AS IS with no rights for the sake of knowledge sharing. Knowledge is of two kinds. We know a subject ourselves or we know where we can find information on it.
As I mentioned in my posting, I verified both table and stored procedures and they have same number of parameters on both publisher and subscriber. About sp_MSins_HHresume stored procedure, HHResume is a table in my database, the sp_MSins_Tablename is replicated insert system stored procedure. Bhushan Kalla
THere was a similar problem SQL 2000 but that doesn’t applies to you as you are on SQL 2005. Any reason why the SP2 hasn’t been applied on other one. Satya SKJ
Microsoft SQL Server MVP
Writer, Contributing Editor & Moderator
This posting is provided AS IS with no rights for the sake of knowledge sharing. Knowledge is of two kinds. We know a subject ourselves or we know where we can find information on it.
The subscriber is owned by different group and they are not ready to upgrade to SP2 unless we show the right reason and force them to upgrade to SP2 immediately. Thanks,
Bhushan Bhushan Kalla