error caused out of synch | SQL Server Performance Forums

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error caused out of synch

i had an error earlier on my transactional replication. A primary key insert error.
Replication failed. Now the validation check says its out of synch. this is sql server 2005 transactional replication. on a tst server.
#1. what should i do in these events? (pk error that failed replication) #2. is there a way for me to make these two databases now with the same data?(100% in synch)

CHeck this KBA;en-us;813494 suits to the issues. Satya SKJ
Microsoft SQL Server MVP
Writer, Contributing Editor & Moderator
This posting is provided AS IS with no rights for the sake of knowledge sharing. The greatest discovery of my generation is that a human being can alter his life by altering his attitudes of mind.
quote:Originally posted by bfarr23
i had an error earlier on my transactional replication. A primary key insert error.
Replication failed. Now the validation check says its out of synch. this is sql server 2005 transactional replication. on a tst server.
#1. what should i do in these events? (pk error that failed replication) #2. is there a way for me to make these two databases now with the same data?(100% in synch)
First check it out why are you getting this error…mostly you get this error when the data inserted/modified at subscriber or article snapshot properties are in correct… Three ways to resolve this issue…
1. Find out the object name and delete the row on subscriber table and replication will continue…If it is more than one row then it is painful… 2. Reinitialized snapshot… 3. You can change your distribution agent profile to use "Continue on data consistency errors" profile but becareful you may end of up with incositent data…or you can use "-SkipErrors 2601:2627:20598" switch in to dist. agent job… MohammedU.
Moderator All postings are provided “AS IS” with no warranties for accuracy.
