Error during installing Disc 2 | SQL Server Performance Forums

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Error during installing Disc 2

Error during installing Disc 2: The wrong volume is in the drive. Please insert volume SQLSRVRS into drive This error occurs with the Disc 2 of SQL Server 2005 Standard Edition in a Windows 2000 Server with SP4 when the screen shows Configuring Components in the row WorkStation Components… The same Disc 2 has no problem in installing Windows 2003 Server with SP1. Additional info which may help: When the CD1 starts, it will give me a runtime error and if I choose to debug it, the following line is highlighted in D:splash.hta oShell.CurrentDirectory = commandLine.substr(1, commandLine.lastIndexOf("\")); if I choose not to debug, I can continue with the installation but then it will hit the wrong volume error eventually. Thanks for any help, Peter
Have you contacted the vendor from where these discs are obtained? Satya SKJ
Microsoft SQL Server MVP
Contributing Editor & Forums Moderator
This posting is provided �AS IS� with no rights for the sake of knowledge sharing.
Hi Satya, I have not contacted Microsoft. The disc is from the MSDN subscription. Peter
I believe you have no problem using the disk on a seperate machine.
There could be some problem with the file to run the installation (splash.hta) and may check with MS in this case. Satya SKJ
Microsoft SQL Server MVP
Contributing Editor & Forums Moderator
This posting is provided �AS IS� with no rights for the sake of knowledge sharing.
Hi Satya, I think the problem may be related to having IE5 instead of IE6. The installation was supposed to check the software requirements including IE but it does not prevent the continuation of the installation. I’m going to test this again to confirm my guess. If my guess is right, it is a bug in the installation checking.