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error in database

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error ‘80040e14’ [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Could not allocate space for object ‘GLMASTER’ in database ‘lawson’ because the ‘lawdata1’ filegroup is full. i have this error…somebody help me please
Your logfile is full. you could truncate it, shrink it or/and change it to allow unlimited growth. The third option will allow you to continue to work and later on you can try the other 2. Maybe write a job that will do it on a daily basis. Edit: sorry, I was answering transactin log while you were aking data file.
Still for file growth the answer is the same. Bambola.
quote:Originally posted by bambola Your logfile is full. you could truncate it, shrink it or/and change it to allow unlimited growth. The third option will allow you to continue to work and later on you can try the other 2. Maybe write a job that will do it on a daily basis. Edit: sorry, I was answering transactin log while you were aking data file.
Still for file growth the answer is the same. Bambola.

i do that backuo log lawson with no_log
dbcc shrinkdatabase (‘lawson’)
but the database stays the same

Set the AUTOGROW option for the files in the filegroup ‘lawdata1’ to ON or manually increase the size of the files using ALTER DATABASE. HTH. Gaurav
I would say "Grow the transaction log the same way you grow the data files to avoid such errors in future". Go for the UNLIMITED option with careful growth increments option (e.g 10% )if you still have space on your disk (you do have adequate space on your disk, don’t you?). Nathan H.O.
True, it means that your Database File has reached its max size as specified in the database definition you created it with or the disk on which that file exsists is out of space. _________
Satya SKJ
