Error switching node | SQL Server Performance Forums

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Error switching node

When I move my SQL Server from node 1 to node 2 the instance and agent are starting correctly. Everything seems to be working fine, but the (DotNET) application won’t start.
The eventlog shows:
Exception Type: System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException
Errors: System.Data.SqlClient.SqlErrorCollection
Class: 15
LineNumber: 151
Message: Incorrect syntax near ‘OPTIMIZE’. I can’t find anything on the net about this behavior, suggestions are welcome! SQL Server 2005 SP1
Windows 2003 SP1
Where is the application located? Hopefully it is not on one of the cluster nodes. If so, that may be your problem. Unless the application is written to be run on a clustered server, it may not work correctly. Clustering assumes that the application is not on the clustered server and has the ability to reconnect if a connection to the database is broken. —————————–
Brad M. McGehee, SQL Server MVP
The application runs on (separated) web servers. The application isn’t working, even after giving an IISRESET. The connection could be established to node 2, the database is reachable (queries can be executed) but the application won’t start.
