Exporting from Excel to Sql Server Mgmt Studio Exp | SQL Server Performance Forums

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Exporting from Excel to Sql Server Mgmt Studio Exp

I am trying to figure out how to import data from an Excel worksheet to my sql database..Someone told me right click, select task, then import and follow the wizard..Sounds fine until there is no import there …HELP!
if you save the excel file as a csv, you can import it with bcp.exe. you can read about bcp in BOL. also I think the Import/Export Wizard in EM will take an excel file as a source. www.elsasoft.org

There is IMPORT/EXPORT wizard in SSMS… Right click database/Tasks/Import and follow the wizard to export the data from Excel sheet…
Mohammed U.
As per your email to me directly you are using Express edition.. I don’t think SQLExpress provides BI tools to perform this kind of operations you look for other options like linked server…
Mohammed U.