Extracting perfmon counters frm DLL | SQL Server Performance Forums

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Extracting perfmon counters frm DLL

can anyone pls point me in the right direction, how to accomplish this… we need to get all the physical disk counters in one of the cluster nodes..The other node has it already ! Thanks for your time Thanks,
Anand.K Purity, patience, and perseverance are the three essentials to success
and, above all, love – Swami Vivekananda
what do you mean exactly? or what is it that you think is not working now? on each node, add the counters when a node is active.
you may have to start the logging when the node is active i seem to recall that you could not add the counters when the node is inactive
Joe, we have an active-active cluster (Win 2k Advanced Sp4). On one node, this physical disk counter is present BUT on the other node it is not there. I have already tried diskperf -Y and rebooted the node. Still it did not work. This is hurting me in my performance-monitoring and tuning of the system. I read a one-liner about extracting the counters from DLL. Thought i can get more info from my peers here
Thanks for your time Thanks,
Anand.K Purity, patience, and perseverance are the three essentials to success
and, above all, love – Swami Vivekananda
you may have an active-active, but any given cluster resource can only be active on one node at a time
it does not matter that the other node has another resource active,
only performance counters for resource currently active will be visible
the stuff you are doing has no bearing on this, so don’t bother
This is a great tip Joe. Thanks.
Anand.K Purity, patience, and perseverance are the three essentials to success
and, above all, love – Swami Vivekananda