Getting Database out of STANDBY mode | SQL Server Performance Forums

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Getting Database out of STANDBY mode

I seem to be having problems setting up my Log Shipping due to that fact that when I ship the backups it puts the DB in standby mode.
How can I manually take the DB out of standby mode for editing if I have to use the backup as a failover server? Thank You,
Lance Bundy
The Commerce Group
I guess I should be a little more specific. I am running SQL Server 7. Thanks,
Lance Bundy
The Commerce Group
Ok, I got this one on my own. Just run an EXEC dboptions that sets readonly to false. Lance Bundy
The Commerce Group
….remembering that: – ‘the database cannot be in use when a new value for the read only option is specified’ Start getting used to this syntax for your future needs: ALTER DATABASE MyDB SET READ_WRITE Nathan H.O.
Also in case on the standby server if you want to use the databsae, you can do it using RESTORE LOG…WITH RECOVERY for the last set of Tlog backup. _________
Satya SKJ

Thank You for all the help.