granting UPDATE permission | SQL Server Performance Forums

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granting UPDATE permission

I am preparing to take an 70-228 exam. I have some sample test questions with answers and explanations. A few times I’ve seen something like this:
‘(…) the user must be granted UPDATE permission. This can be specified at the table or database level‘. Can anybody explain me how I should understand the underlined sentence?
Is there a way to grant or deny permissions at the database level, so the user can/cannot, for example, update all tables in the database? I personally think that there’s a mistake in this explanation. — Rediscover the web

This sounds like a mistake to me. The only way to do this on a database level is to make a user a member of the built in role "db_datawriter", which gives them more than just UPDATE permissions, so isn’t correct either. Otherwise, it’s on a per-table basis, which I’d say is the only way. Tom Pullen
DBA, Oxfam GB
Tom You’re right on the basis of db_datawriter fixed role which relies on database level and on the table level GRANT will suffice the condition. To deny UPDATE permission on database level ensure the user is not under the above mentioned fixed role and GRANT permissions to the required tables only. Satya SKJ
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