How to build Hierarchy Dimension with mapp table | SQL Server Performance Forums

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How to build Hierarchy Dimension with mapp table

In my database (Core DataWarehouse), relationships of tables are implemented by mapping tables.
There are 3 tables:
C(C_ID,C_NAME,…) I have hierachy: A <- B <- C (A is the top node, B is a child of A, C is a child of C).
In database, there is no physical relations between A, B and C. The logical relation is described in a mapping table (*) such as:
A1 B1 C1
A1 B2 C2
…. Can I build a hierarchy dimension of A, B, C?
I also try to create source view but no way to describe the hierachy. So I don’t know how create cube with this hierarchy dimension. (*) There are some reason that I must to using mapping table.