how to capture sp_helprolemember info | SQL Server Performance Forums

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how to capture sp_helprolemember info

I want to work with information regarding what the members of roles are in each database. I cannot found any base table which contains this information (what members belong to which roles). I did find that this information is available via the sp_helprolemember system procedure. The question is: 1) Is there a base table that contains role/member information that I can query directly? and 2) if not, how can I capture the output of sp_helprolemember into a table that I can work with later? Thank You,
1) Why do you want to access the information stored on the system table syspermissions
Contains information about permissions granted and denied to users, groups, and roles in the database. This table is stored in each database
2) Create the temp table as per the structure of the above system table and capture the row or required information onto the temp tabl. HTH
Satya SKJ
This posting is provided “AS IS” with no rights for the sake of knowledge sharing.
Satya, Thanks for the information. You always give the perfect answer to our questions. You are the man. Jethro.
Thanks Jethro, BOL comes handy in this regard…. it proved. Satya SKJ
This posting is provided “AS IS” with no rights for the sake of knowledge sharing.