How to change sql instance name? | SQL Server Performance Forums

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How to change sql instance name?

Hi, when i run this query,
— get current SQL Server nameinstance name
— get current machine name and instance name
SELECT SERVERPROPERTY(‘MachineName’), SERVERPROPERTY (‘InstanceName’) Results are:
DSSQL (first query) DSSQL, NULL (second query) I’m experiencing these errors
SqlDumpExceptionHandler: Process %i generated fatal exception c0000005
EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION. SQL Server is terminating this process. Could the instance name being ‘null’ be the cause of the AV errors? How do change the instance name? Thanks
Hi Raymond, The null instance name just means that you have installed SQL on the default instance rather than a named instance. This shouldn’t cause the AV errors. Do you get any other errors in the error log? Cheers
Hi Twan, I’m getting a lot of errors! first one is the EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION error,
then there’s the error 3624, failed assertion,
and finally i tried to run this query which has aggregate and joins,
i get a general network error, please check documentation.. etc
but when i rerun the query again, this time with option(maxdop 1) set,
i can get the results. i’m running win 2k server, sql server 2k enterprise edition with sp3a. Raymond

Does this only happen when you run specific queries? If so, can you post the queries involved? Also do you have hyperthreading turned on on the server? Cheers

So far, this is the query i found that gives the error,<br /><br />–good and bad rwk yield<br />SELECT –tobj_key<br />convert(varchar(15),UNIT.part_number) as PART_NUMBER,<br />–toh.tobj_key,UNIT.serial_number, toh.op_name,<br />–convert(varchar(<img src=’/community/emoticons/emotion-11.gif’ alt=’8)’ />,toh.complete_time,10) as day,<br />sum(case when toh.op_name = ‘OR_Transact_FA’ then 1.0 else 0.0 end) as PASS,<br />sum(case when toh.op_name = ‘OR_Transact_Rwk’ then 1 else 0 end) as FAIL–,<br />–case when t.tobj_history_key is null then ‘0’ else ‘1’ end as ‘no_rework'<br />FROM<br />TRACKED_OBJECT_HISTORY toh with (nolock),<br />UNIT with (nolock)–,<br />WHERE UNIT.unit_key=toh.tobj_key <br />AND toh.complete_time &gt;= ’01-12-2004 07:00:00 AM'<br />AND toh.complete_time &lt;= ’01-19-2004 06:59:59 AM'<br />and toh.op_name in (‘OR_Transact_FA’,’OR_Transact_Rwk’)<br />and toh.complete_count=1<br />group by <br />convert(varchar(15),UNIT.part_number)<br /><br />using the back up database as testing ground, after i run dbcc checkdb with allow data loss, the query runs without fine. without the dbcc, i would have to add in the ‘option (maxdop 1)’ to make it run.<br />We’re running both our live and backup DBs on Dell 6450s that come with hyperthreading. Could this be a hardware issue?<br /><br /><br /><br /> <br /><br /><br />Raymond

does dbcc checkdb return any corruption errors? Cheers
dbcc checkdb returned some errors in the form of missing index keys… it reportedly fixed them, but when i run the checkdb again, there were still some errors, on the same table. i had to manually drop the indexes, and recreate them again. it seemed ok after that… but there was the assertion error again this morning, after running fine for the last 24 hours… running checkdb once more… Raymond
I don’t know if that help, but just in case:;en-us;318878
Luis Martin …Thus mathematics may be defined as the subject in which we never know what we are talking about, nor whether what we are saying is true.
Bertrand Russell