How to convert a SQL 2000 DB | SQL Server Performance Forums

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How to convert a SQL 2000 DB

I would like to move a SQL 2000 DB to SQL 2005 Enterprise Edition. My SQL 2000 DB already has a few users in it. When I do a full-backup in 2000 and restore into 2005, the users are not accesible. I can’t drop those users in 2005 as these users own a few objects. Is there a simple method that allows us to take a full backup of 2000 and migrate to 2005? I have tried Copy DB Wizard and it fails in the last step (I get a Package Error). TIA for your time!

Are the users windows or SQL ,and are you moving domain as well?
They are SQL users.
The user accounts will be orphaned, you need to use CREATE LOGIN.
Oh sorry, you can use the Copy Database Wizard to copy the metadata from the old Master at the same time – this will recreate the logins in 2005 also.
Thanks that worked!