How to create a Calculated Field | SQL Server Performance Forums

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How to create a Calculated Field

I have the following fields in table A: GL_ID|GL_Name_VC| Amount |Period_TI|Year_SI
1000|liability | -10,000.00 | 08 | 2005
1001| asset | 20,000.00 | 08 | 2005
1000|liability | -9,000.00 | 09 | 2005 the fields above have the following datatype: Fields | Datatype
GL_ID | Integer
GL_Name_VC | Variable Character
Amount | Integer
Period_TI | TinyInteger
Year_SI | SmallInteger
The above database is running on Microsoft SQL Server 2000 and i would like to query
for a report that looks something as below: Description Amount
asset 20,000.00
liability (10,000.00)
Net Asset 10,000.00
=========== The above report would list 2 columns as Description & Amount, next it would sort the Description
column by GL_ID, next by Year 2005 & lastly by Period 08, with a net figure of asset minus liability. Guys, hope someone out there can help me with the sql command for the above report?

See answers to other topics you posted.
Btw, this is not the only forum you posted all these questions.