How to drop the Push Subscriptions | SQL Server Performance Forums

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How to drop the Push Subscriptions

How to drop the Push Subscriptions from my database. i setup the Replication from svr1 and svr2 I could drop all from the svr1 But i cant drop the Subscriptions from svr2 Regards
Try using as defined in BOL
Execute sp_dropsubscription to delete the subscription.
Execute sp_dropsubscriber to remove the registration entry of the Subscriber.
Note It is not necessary to drop a Subscriber unless you are dropping the last publication to which it subscribes.
To delete a push subscription to a transactional publication Execute sp_dropsubscription to delete the subscription.
Execute sp_dropsubscriber to remove the registration entry of a Subscriber.
Note It is not necessary to drop a Subscriber unless you are dropping the last publication to which it subscribes.
To delete a push subscription to a merge publication Execute sp_dropmergesubscription to delete the subscription.
Execute sp_mergesubscription_cleanup to remove merge configuration meta data for all merge articles in the subscription database.
Satya SKJ
This posting is provided “AS IS” with no rights for the sake of knowledge sharing.