How to generate source code from package in MSDB | SQL Server Performance Forums

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How to generate source code from package in MSDB

I have a situation of generate XML source codes from the packages those are in MSDB thru batch scripts for dependency check of DB objects. Anyone knows how to ?
Anyone knows how to check the dependecy of SSIS packages ? thanks, JB
Here’s what I found and it’s good enough for me to check the dependency. The PackageData in MSDB..SysDTSPackages90 table can be retrieved in two different ways as below; In XML
SELECT cast (cast (packagedata As varbinary (max)) as xml) FROM msdb..sysdtspackages90 where [name] = ‘Your Pkg Name’ In Varchar(max)
SELECT CONVERT(VARCHAR(MAX), CONVERT (VARBINARY(MAX), packagedata)) FROM msdb..sysdtspackages90 where [name] = ‘Your Pkg Name’ Tks, JB