How to read YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:yy+(-)hh:mm in SQL | SQL Server Performance Forums

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How to read YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:yy+(-)hh:mm in SQL

How can i read/convert the following date format:<br /><br />– [<img src=’/community/emoticons/emotion-1.gif’ alt=’:)‘ />]I tried following but it doesn’t work<br />print isdate(‘2004-11-22T08:11:12+22:11’)<br /><br />and suggestions reasons prointers ill be helpful.
You’d have to write your own function 2004-11-22T08:11:12 is a valid date, so split the date at the fifth to last character (+ or – sign) and then add the 22 hours and 11 minutes to the resulting date Cheers
<blockquote id="quote"><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" id="quote">quote:<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"><i>Originally posted by nitingulati7</i><br /><br />How can i read/convert the following date format:<br /><br />– [<img src=’/community/emoticons/emotion-1.gif’ alt=’:)‘ />]I tried following but it doesn’t work<br />print isdate(‘2004-11-22T08:11:12+22:11’)<br /><br />and suggestions reasons prointers ill be helpful.<br /><hr height="1" noshade id="quote"></font id="quote"></blockquote id="quote"><br />SELECT SUBSTRING(‘2004-11-22T08:11:12+22:11′,1,10)<br />+’ ‘<br />+SUBSTRING(‘2004-11-22T08:11:12+22:11′,12,<img src=’/community/emoticons/emotion-11.gif’ alt=’8)’ /><br /><br />…will return as ‘2004-11-22 08:11:12′<br /><br />SELECT ISDATE(SUBSTRING(‘2004-11-22T08:11:12+22:11′,1,10)<br />+’ ‘<br />+SUBSTRING(‘2004-11-22T08:11:12+22:11′,12,<img src=’/community/emoticons/emotion-11.gif’ alt=’8)’ />)<br /><br />…will return a value 1 (True)<br /><br />If you are trying to add or subtract 22 hours and 11 minutes to or from that date then it gets a bit tricky:<br /><br />select dateadd(minute,(60 * convert(smallint,<br />SUBSTRING(‘2004-11-22T08:11:12+22:11’,20,1)<br />+SUBSTRING(‘2004-11-22T08:11:12+22:11’,21,2)))<br />+convert(smallint,SUBSTRING(‘2004-11-22T08:11:12+22:11’,20,1)<br />+SUBSTRING(‘2004-11-22T08:11:12+22:11’,24,2)),<br />convert(smalldatetime,SUBSTRING(‘2004-11-22T08:11:12+22:11′,1,10)<br />+’ ‘<br />+SUBSTRING(‘2004-11-22T08:11:12+22:11′,12,<img src=’/community/emoticons/emotion-11.gif’ alt=’8)’ />))<br /><br />…will return as ‘2004-11-23 06:22:00′<br />which calculates from ‘2004-11-22 08:11:12’ with 22 hours and 11 minutes added.<br /><br />You will notice I constantly use the original ‘2004-11-22T08:11:12+22:11’ value<br />in all the functions so you could write a user-defined function or stored procedure from this where you only need to pass the original string and the function should return a valid date value from it.<br />
If the first part is a valid datetime then +/1 doesnt really matter (since if you add/subtract hours and minutes from a valid date, its still a valid date. So it can be quite simple select isdate(replace(left(Passedfield,len(Passedfield)-6),’T’,’ ‘))
Hi Chris, To read the first part you don’t even need to replace the T as that is a valid ISO standard that SQL recognises Cheers