How to return more than one column value w/READTEX | SQL Server Performance Forums

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How to return more than one column value w/READTEX

When using the readtext i would like to also select another column reather than the one from where the readetext is reading from the TEXTPTR…. Here is what i have… Dim cmdReadBinary As New SqlCommand("READTEXT Categories.Picture @Pointer @Offset @Size HOLDLOCK",cnn) and i would like to so this.. Dim cmdReadBinary As New SqlCommand("READTEXT Categories.Picture @Pointer @Offset @Size HOLDLOCK, ImgName ",cnn) <-I have added the …ImgName… to this one.
I am tring to apend the file .ext to the end of the blob… with the readtext can i not return more than one column? erik.. in other words i need to be able to read more than one column with one command if this is posiable.. like… Select firstname, lastname from employees with READTEXT HOW do i do that.?
READTEXT Categories.Picture @Pointer @Offset @Size HOLDLOCK <- with one blob column BUT I NEED READTEXT Categories.Picture @Pointer @Offset @Size HOLDLOCK, ImgName<– WITH one blob column and the ImgName Column……
Just a thought. Have you considered using the ADO Stream Object? —
Frank Kalis
Microsoft SQL Server MVP
Heute schon gebloggt?
