How to send SQLmail on Exchange | SQL Server Performance Forums

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How to send SQLmail on Exchange

Hi All, My company is using Microsoft Small Business Server 2003. The Exchange Server is on the same computer as the SQL Server 2000. However, it cannot send SQLmail. I am not able to select "mail profile" in the Enterprise Manager. I found an article about this problem on Microsoft KB, but it only valid for Business Server 2000:;EN-US;304967 Does any one what goes wrong? Please help! Thanks very much

SQL mail can be a huge pain to setup. Some things to make sure of… Make sure you have a MAPI compliant client on the SQL server. The outlook client will work nicely. Login to the SQL server as the mail account you are trying to set under SQL mail and actually send email using the outlook client. This will confirm the account can send from the server. Start the Mail application in Control Panel. Click Show Profiles to find the name of the profile that was configured for your account. Make sure there are no unusual characters (periods, hyphens, pound signs, etc) and adjust if need be. Profile name should also be less than 32 characters. You may also have to change the MSSQLServer service to run under an account other than local system. I am not sure on this, but usually we have it run as the same domain account SQLmail is setup for.

KBA about configuring the SQLMail for refernce.
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Hi, <br /><br />I tried both methos. No luck at all [<img src=’/community/emoticons/emotion-6.gif’ alt=’:(‘ />]…Is there anyother method?<br />Thanks very much!
The last resort is to approach MS PSS for a fix or solution. Satya SKJ
This posting is provided “AS IS” with no rights for the sake of knowledge sharing.
Checkout MS Knowledgebase Article 306962.
It shows you how to create a MAPI profile without installing Outlook.
This is one of my next projects(sending email from SQL)and after reading this topic, I am not looking forward to it. the
This should not be a problem in sending email from SQL using SQL Mail, as per the KBA document if you can setup the process then it will work. I’d no trouble in getting message from SQL via SQL mail. Satya SKJ
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