How to store new line character | SQL Server Performance Forums

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How to store new line character

When I run the query to retriev data from a table, one of column contains info like:
hi, I am working, please ….. Is there any way I can split them in three lines such as:
I am working,
please Is it required to run insert statement with new line character? How to store new line character? Using ‘
‘? Thanks,
– kathy

you want to update back to the table or only for display ? — To update the table
update table
setcol1 = replace(col1, ‘,’, ‘,’ + char(13))
To display, the easiest will be doing it in your front end application. Or is it you want to return the data in 3 rows ?
It seems you want to split the text using comma. Store the test as it is. Use Front End application to split it Madhivanan Failing to plan is Planning to fail