How to upgrade express edition to sql 2000 standar | SQL Server Performance Forums

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How to upgrade express edition to sql 2000 standar

How to upgrade sql expression edition to sql server 2005 standard or enterprise edition?
S. Ramesh
Ramesh You can do that from command prompt [SKUUPGRADE]
Use the SKUUPGRADE parameter when upgrading from one edition of SQL Server to another edition of SQL Server. Important:
If you use the SKUUPGRADE parameter, Setup will remove all hotfix and service pack updates from the SQL Server instance being upgraded. Once the edition upgrade is complete, you must reapply all hotfix and service pack updates. To perform an edition upgrade of a default instance of SQL Server (SQL Engine only) via unattended Setup, run the following command using either /qb or /qn: start /wait setup.exe ADDLOCAL=SQL_Engine INSTANCENAME=MSSQLSERVER UPGRADE=SQL_Engine SKUUPGRADE=1 /qb Reference: Satya

Upgrading from SQL Server 2005 Express Edition to Workgroup or Standard Editions
SQL Server Technical Article…0C-40EB-911F-E7ADEC87F5D5/UpgrExptoWkgStd.doc