ID refering to table | SQL Server Performance Forums

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ID refering to table

I think I need som help as newbie…<br />I have a Fact table Purchase with different Purchase ID’s. <br />In the OLE DB destination column I have a Demo_id which should refer to Dim_Demography_ ID which returns the characteristics as occupation, sex and salary from Dim-demography. How would I do that? <br />Now I have three choices in the destination Input column; occupation, sex and salary <br /><br />The OLE DB source sql command: <br />SELECT Sum, k.sum-p.price AS profit, convert (char(<img src=’/community/emoticons/emotion-11.gif’ alt=’8)’ />,date,112) as date_id, sex, salary, occupation, k.shop_id, k.customer_nr, salesperson_id, p.product_nr, campaign_id <br />FROM Purchase k join product p on k.product_nr=p.product_nr join customer ku on k.customernr=ku.customernr<br />
SSIS help here is very thin, have you searched on any of MSDN SSIS forum sections in this case. Satya SKJ
Microsoft SQL Server MVP
Contributing Editor & Forums Moderator
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