Indexed Views | SQL Server Performance Forums

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Indexed Views

I just upgraded my SQL version from SQL 2000 to 2005. In the maintenence plan, there’s is an option to index views which I did not have under 2000. Anyways, thinking that it couldn’t hurt anything, I decided to index my views. Well, this caused my database to grow from 11 GBs to 51 GBs. Now, I want to drop the indexes that are related to my views. Any advice as to the best way I can identify which index to drop and how to do that?
1) Really grows from 11 to 51 or becasue index creation log grows to much?
2) DROP INDEX ‘table.index | view.index’ [ ,…n ] to drop any index you want.
Luis Martin
Moderator All in Love is Fair
Stevie Wonder
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Are there any clustered in those indexes? Satya SKJ
Microsoft SQL Server MVP
Contributing Editor & Forums Moderator
This posting is provided AS IS with no rights for the sake of knowledge sharing.
Luis, I’m not sure. How would I tell? Here are the Space #’s DatabaseSize= 51602.88 MB; UnallocatedSpace= 6445.55 MB; Reserved= 45192520 KB
Data= 4580872 KB; Index_size= 37972168 KB; Unused= 2639480 KB. My problem that I have is that I ran: select object_id,name,index_id
from sys.indexes This returned a list of object id’s, index names, and index id’s. However, when I look up th object id’s they all seem to correspond to actual table in the Dbase. So….while I know the statement that drops indexes I don’t know how to determine and specify which of the indexes correspond to the views in my database.
Satya, as best I can tell, all of the views are non-clustered. I mean when I’m in Enterprise Mgr and open a dbase table and then open the indexes folder underneath they all seem to say non-clustered.
Did you use same common name as index name? I mean: CREATE INDEX IXC……something. I’m looking for a way to find those indexes.
Luis Martin
Moderator All in Love is Fair
Stevie Wonder
All postings are provided “AS IS” with no warranties for accuracy.
Unfortunately, this is a 3rd party Dbase so I didn’t really create the index’s myself. But here are some examples of index names in the Dbase. clust
USIX__ There are many examples of all of these. I believe that the PK_ and the USI_ are probably the ones created by the company that created our Dbase. So I see things like PK_ClientOID or USI_ClientLastName, etc.
Well the only way I can help is with this query: select ‘drop ‘ + case when left(si.Name,3) in (‘ixc’) then ‘index ‘ else ‘statistics ‘ end +
+ ‘.’ + ‘[‘ + + ‘]’
/* si.rows as ‘filas’, SO.Name as Tabla, as ‘Index’, SFG.groupname as ‘Filegroup’ */
from sysobjects as SO
join sysindexes as SI
on SO.Id =
join sysfilegroups as SFG
on SI.GroupId = SFG.GroupId
where left(SI.Name,4) not in (‘_WA_’) and left(si.Name,3) in (‘ixc’)
order by SO.Name ,, SFG.GroupName You can change ‘ixc’ for any index name and with the output select those indexes you want to drop. Luis Martin
Moderator All in Love is Fair
Stevie Wonder
All postings are provided “AS IS” with no warranties for accuracy.
Not sure if this will help
FROM sysobjects
AND OBJECTPROPERTY(id, ‘IsIndexed’) = 1 This is for SQL Server 2000. You have to change sysobjects to its 2005er pendant —
Frank Kalis
Microsoft SQL Server MVP