Install SQL2K Ent with SQL2K Stnd? | SQL Server Performance Forums

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Install SQL2K Ent with SQL2K Stnd?

Existing 2×4 dev server running on W2K3 Standard with SQL2K Standard SP3. A dev team has requested a SQL2K Ent install along side SQL2K Stnd. I guess they want to test on both SQL. I think it’s nutz but if I can, the install must be modified…right? Instance is different of course but surely I can’t overwrite existing code? Thks n adv
you can install this as a seperate named instance on the same server and it will not affect the existing SQL installation.
Thanks! But I don’t understand, do you just take the install defaults (besides the instance name)? How is it possible to keep from intermingling the 2 different/separate SQLs?
When installing a named instance the binaries install to a different subdirectory in your MSSQL directory. One set for each instance. You can use the install defaults if you want, just set the instance name and then configure everything how you usually do The instance is exactly that, a new instance of sql server running on the same machine, a new set of master/msdb db’s etc etc You differentiate between them when you connect by SERVERNAMEINSTANCENAME, whereas if you just connect to the SERVERNAME you connect to the default instance. – how to setup named instance. KBA;EN-US;Q303747& – basic local installation. HTH Satya SKJ
This posting is provided “AS IS” with no rights for the sake of knowledge sharing.
Thanks much all! Our small dev box has 4 GB or ram. Dev is trying to determine if their work will be helped by SQL using more than 2 GB/ram. You folks rock!!!
And their work will almost definitely be helped if they use more then 4 GB/ram. The problem with this is that you have standard installed also. Because you have multiple instances, the Enterprise instance will most likely not be able to touch most of the RAM unless you shut off the standard edition. It won’t use 4gb anyway because you need a minimum of 1gb for the OS. MeanOldDBA
[email protected] When life gives you a lemon, fire the DBA.