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Hi, Am not a dba but am being tasked to update a documentation so our application users would understand better why we set these configurations for their database server. I was told that the clients should
– add 16mb of memory for every additional concurrent user,
– have 2 harddrives
– 1 drive for the data files
– 1 drive for the log files how best should I approach this so that not so techy people would understand the reasons? all i know that (from my digging in this forum) is that the reason why we separate the data files and the log files is to avoid continous read/writes on the drives and for them to achieve better performance. are there any other reasons why we do this? Thanks in advance

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Satya SKJ

In regards to the 16MB of RAM per client, this will depend on the application and how it is used. This can vary a lot from application to application. Generally speaking, the more data you can get into RAM, the less I/O that will have to be performed and overall the faster your application will be. Separating data files from log files is a good idea (although not required) because it separates different types of I/O activity. Data file activity is generally random in nature, and log file activity is general sequential in activity. If you mix these, performance suffers. But if you can separate these, then I/O performance is boosted. —————————–
Brad M. McGehee, MVP
thanks for the info guys <img src=’/community/emoticons/emotion-1.gif’ alt=’:)‘ /><br /><br />are there documentations that i can download on setup practices that we can refer to for our own documentation?<br /><br />Thanks again
As referred search under the category and can deploy for the documentation. _________
Satya SKJ
