installation problem | SQL Server Performance Forums

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installation problem

I using Windows XP SP2. My computer is Aopen 1535 notebook. I try to install SQL 7 SP4 but i got the msg as below: C:WINDOWSSYSTEM32AUTOEXEC.NT. The system file is not suitable for running MS-DOS and Microsoft Windows application. Choose ‘close’ to terminate the application.
When I try to install MSDE2000A on the same computer, I got another problem as below: A strong SA password is required for security reasons. Please use SAPWD switch to supply the same. Refer to readme for more details. Setup will now exits. It is my computer problem or others??? Please help me….
This might help for the first message: About the second message you need to specify a sa password during install. According to: you can try:
setup.exe SAPWD=Admin DISABLENETWORKPROTOCOLS=0 SECURITYMODE=SQL After that is done you can go back to Windows Authentication mode instead of SQL Authentication on MSDE if that is what you want to use.

the warning msg appear exactly when I run setup.exe. It didn’t ask for any password before the warning msg appear. Can you tell me how to set the password?
Instead of double clicking on setup.exe you need run it from a command prompt and add the SAPWD option. Example:
I had try just now and this was my command line C:MSDERelA>setup SAPWD="xxxxxx" INSTANCENAME="search" TARGETDIR="C:MSDERelAMy
InstanceFolder" DISABLENETWORKPROTOCOLS=0 SECURITYMODE=SQL DATADIR="C:MSDERelAMyInstanceFolderMSSQL$SEARCHData" but the msg " The instance name specified is invalid" appear is there any problem with my command line
I read that this message occur when you specify an existing instance name. I would guess that you have already completed the installation successfully before, for example when testing with other command line options. MSDE will not give you a "install successful message" message when done. So reboot your computer and you will most likely see that an MSDE instance with that name is alreayd installed.
thank you very much…the instance really installed in my computer already but it had duplicate when I look at the add/remove program display.
This answer is not satisfying to me. I work with Windows 2000 Professional (SP4),
bought the MS SQL 2000 Server Desktop Server
and tried: setup.exe SAPWD=MyPass DISABLENETWORKPROTOCOLS=0 SECURITYMODE=SQL MyPass I presume is the same Administrator password I use to log on to Windows ? my SA (system administrator) should be changed according to the message I get when clicking on setup.exe The following message:
"A strong SA password is required for security reasons.
Please use SAPWD switch to supply the same. Refer to readme
for more details. Setup will now exit" What is wrong here ? What must I do ?
The easy way to overcome the problem would be to change the SA password before the installation. A strong password in this case may only mean something other than a blank string, other posts say six characters and two numbers work. Usually a strong password would require not to have alphabetically consecutive letters, non keyboard consecutive characters and non recognisable names (even with numeric substitutions). SInce slammer virus MS suggest to deploy strong passwords and not to leave important accounts with blank passwords. Satya SKJ
This posting is provided “AS IS” with no rights for the sake of knowledge sharing.
I have given the following accounts socalled strong passwords 1. Admnistrator (me)
5IWAM All of the accounts have separate passwords Like MS suggests Problems is that my IIS shows following error: Server Application Error
The server has encountered an error while loading an application during the processing of your request. Please refer to the event log for more detail information. Please contact the server administrator for assistance. Upon checking the Event log – the problem lies with the anonymous login. I use my IIS5 to develop and test dynamic database driven websites. Unlike others I have became rather indulged with ASP3.0 and the Access Database but for more serious demanding websites I needed to develop sites that will handle large amount of datastream and that requires either MySQL Database or MS SQL. That is the reason of my question. Unfortunately my ISS will no longer load any of my webapplications. All of them based ASP3.0 and Access database. What must I do to correct this. At this time I did not install MS SQL just yet.
Kind regards

Do you have any error in event viewer about COM+ information? Check thsi KBA about the relevant issue. Satya SKJ
This posting is provided “AS IS” with no rights for the sake of knowledge sharing.
I did…
Application Log:
The CRM log file was originally created on a computer with a different name. It has been updated with the name of the current computer. If this warning appears when the computer name has been changed then no further action is required.
Server Application ID: {02D4B3F1-FD88-11D1-960D-00805FC79235}
Server Application Name: System Application
Application Error:
Access denied attempting to launch a DCOM Server using DefaultLaunchPermssion. The server is:
The user is Unavailable/Unavailable, SID=Unavailable The article you refer to does not apply ot Windows 2000.. just NT4.0