Installing SQLAgentMail | SQL Server Performance Forums

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Installing SQLAgentMail

OK I’m really lost here. How does one install SQLAgentMail and SQL Mail? All I want is email notification when there are issues. When I select Properties on SQL Agent, the Mail configuration is grayed out and I cannot seem to find clear documentation on how to install this and what I need. I understand I need Outlook but surely I do not need to install the whole thing? Thanks for your help. Raul
Refer to this KBA and corresponding KBAs for reference. Satya SKJ
This posting is provided “AS IS” with no rights for the sake of knowledge sharing.
OK, I have Outlook XP installed. So far it looks like I need to have the client running to get the emails to go out as described for Outlook 20002? Would it be advisable for me to uninstall this and go to Outlook 2000 instead? I find this very annoying but thank you for enlightening me.
I haven’t tried with Outlook 2002 for SQL Mail, as I can see utilities with Oulook 2002 from here. May be you can try reinstall Outlook 2000 and test the configuration as stated in the KBA. Satya SKJ
This posting is provided “AS IS” with no rights for the sake of knowledge sharing.