Insufficient Memory, Linked Server | SQL Server Performance Forums

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Insufficient Memory, Linked Server

I’ve to populate table on SQL Db with information stored in dbase III file.
I create Linked Server using ODBC to dbase III file.
After I execute sp which has OPENQUERY(Linked_Server,SQL Statement),
This SQL Database have performed Insufficient Memory. I can’t connect with Enterprise Manager with error can’t not find server, my rest application can’t access this server. why .?? This Server has 2GB RAM (Dedicated Server), I alocate 512M to OS (WIndows 2K Advance Server). the Rest is for SQL2K Memory.
Best Regards,
Thanx in advance

WHat was the exact error you’re getting when trying to access thru linked server?
Check thru sql server error log for more information. _________
Satya SKJ
