Insufficient system resources | SQL Server Performance Forums

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Insufficient system resources

Hi This is the error in event log:
Unable to start a DCOM Server: The error:
"Insufficient system resources exist to complete the requested service. "
Happened while starting this command:
aPrdMgr.exe -Embedding SQL 2000 sp3
windows 2000 sp3

Examining the log earlier i noticed that prior to this error ,
there is an other one: The server was unable to allocate from the system paged pool because the pool was empty.
Way to go with this KBA…port/kb/articles/q296/2/65.asp&NoWebContent=1 and ensure required memory is allocated to SQL server if other applications are sharing the memory resources, I believe it would be default(other applications on SQL server) on your end. Satya SKJ
This posting is provided “AS IS” with no rights for the sake of knowledge sharing.
Still trying to resolve this problem.
It happens regularly almost every 2 weeks. The kernel memory seems to be fine:
on windows 2000 sp3 at the moment of crash we had: paged=325 mb (max 470)
nonpaged 25 (mas 256)
As i checked the server the popup message saING something about surveyor.exe appeared.
Then after i cleked okey this message apeared
mssql-monitor.exe – Application error. the memory cannot be read. app. didn’t work and there was lot’s of "PerfMon" errors as well as this error: The server was unable to allocate from the system paged pool because the pool was empty. I also noticed that handles=39 333 993 at the moment of problem.
What is max for handles?

By this time I am 90% sure it’s a handles leak. Not only sure what process is causing it.
Hopefully Process->>handle count monitoring results will how it…

I just read that Max Handles threshold =10 000 per process
How come I have now for some processes over 500 000 handles?

Try to capture PERFMON (SYSMON) counters for Physical disk, processor, process, memory etc for assessment. Satya SKJ
This posting is provided “AS IS” with no rights for the sake of knowledge sharing.
i monitored paged pool it does goes up but in the moment of failure grow
only to 325 mb (max i guess is 343)
As I try to login after reboot i am getting this error now:
event 1000
Windows cannot load the user’s profile but has logged you on with the default profile for the system. DETAIL – Insufficient system resources exist to complete the requested service.
Check this page for detailed resolution. HTH Satya SKJ
This posting is provided “AS IS” with no rights for the sake of knowledge sharing.
Server where SQL 2000 sp3 resides crushes every 2-3 days .
The only thing that i can notice is total handles in a task manager:
when server crushes the number of handles is over 3 000 000
I still cannot find what is max amount of handles for computer?
here is the task manager in the moment of system crush:
Handles 3 125 220
threads 596
processes 62
physical memory:
Total 2 327 815
available 1 363 048
System cashe 203 316 Commit Charge :
[Total 2 201 888
Limit 5 737 312
Pick 2 273 112
b]Kernel memory: Total 60584
Paged 47 724
NonPaged 12 860

Could this help?
The Black Box Trace is a SQL Server facility that records recent SQL Server activity and writes it to a file whenever a severe system error is encountered. This recent activity information can be invaluable in tracking down what caused a system failure. To enable black box trace for SQL Server 2000, run the sp_trace_create procedure after each SQL Server restart as documented in Books Online. The following example creates a stored procedure to start the black box trace, and sets it to run whenever SQL Server starts: use master
— Create a procedure
— to call sp_trace_create
create procedure StartBlackBoxTrace
declare @tid int
exec sp_trace_create @tid output, 8
exec sp_trace_setstatus @tid, 1
— Call it now to start
— the black box trace
exec StartBlackBoxTrace
— Mark the procedure for execution
— at SQL Server startup
exec sp_procoption ‘StartBlackBoxTrace’,
‘startup’, true
Luis Martin
Moderator All postings are provided “AS IS” with no warranties for accuracy.
This is only give me an information about sql.
In my case SQL is okey .
I see only that next two services are leaking handles: