Linked Server is already exists as a Subscriber | SQL Server Performance Forums

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Linked Server is already exists as a Subscriber

Hi All; I have a small problem, I have a DEVSQL SQL Server 2000, I am trying to add another SQL Server 2000 i.e. ‘STAGESQL’ as a linked server which is on the same network. When I first added It gave me Error 15028: The Server ‘STAGESQL’ already exists. I removed from my registration and tried again but same error occured. I viewed sysservers on DEVSQL, I can see an entry of STAGESQL in that table, I tried to use exec sp_dropserver ‘STAGESQL’, ‘droplogins’ It gave me that message, Server: Msg 20583, Level 16, State 1, Procedure sp_MSrepl_check_server, Line 30
Cannot drop server ‘STAGESQL’ because it is used as a Subscriber in replication. I have replication as well, now what should I do, should I need to remove subscriber first and then add/dorp linked server. It seems like not a good solution b/c I will have to setup replication again. Thanks in advance.
Essa, M. Mughal
Software Engineer
(kindly post the thread in relevant forums only, moved from Analysis forum)
Take help from this KBA;en-us;274098 Satya SKJ
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