Log file place | SQL Server Performance Forums

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Log file place

OK, I read (and I agree) at a lot of papers that put the transaction log files in a different disk from the data files improve the performance (the log files are read sequential, the data files is read random). But, I have many databases and I don’t have a diferent disk to put each log file. Can I put many log files at the same disk and gain some performance? Or in this case put the datafiles and log files will product the same performance? Tanks and sorry about the poor English…
Ésio Nunes
If there no alternative to keep Tlog file on seperate disk then only way is to keep on same drive as data files reside. Make sure to maintain regular backups, dbcc checks and reindexing to keep up the database performance atleast and addup resources like memory to the OS for additional gain. _________
Satya SKJ

Satya, I can place the log file in a different disk. My question is, if I put one Tlog in each disk I have "a performace". But if I put many Tlogs in a same disk (not the datafile disk), the it will put my performance slow? Ésio Esio Nunes
Oh, may be I’m confused… no worries in placing many Tlogs on same disk and no issues on performance. Monitor the counters for Physical disk for that drive for assessment. _________
Satya SKJ
