Login Failure message with SSIS in SQL Agent | SQL Server Performance Forums

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Login Failure message with SSIS in SQL Agent

Hi All I recently did a SQL2005 migration and it has been a nightmare eversince. I ran SQL2005 on a virtual machine for around 2 months with very little to no issues but since the "live" implementation 1 week ago I have had errors all over. This one is one I am battleing with for quite some time now. The SQL server agent has a set schedule and the steps are SSIS packages. All the packages are set up with Windows authentication. The first package/step executes without a problem this step runns for around 45 minutes and succeeds but when step 2 is suppose to start the error below is shown and then a couple of steps on it starts working again. Login failed for user ‘Domainusername’. [CLIENT: <local machine>] This occurrs on TSQL statements as well within the job but the message is different saying that it cannot find server ‘local’. I do think that the 2 messages are linked but how I do not know. If I start the job manualy and skip step 1 all runs perfect. Any help would be appreciated. Jacques

Are you specifying the servername as [.] or local in any of your scripts?
Also ensure the SQLAgent domain account has relevant privileges on that database including the permission on SQL Server. Satya SKJ
Microsoft SQL Server MVP
Writer, Contributing Editor & Moderator
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