Logshipping and replication. | SQL Server Performance Forums

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Logshipping and replication.

What is the single most difference between Logshipping and replication..? I think, therefore I am
Log shipping can provide a good option when you want a "warm standby" where both machines have all objects and data, but you manage the failover aspects yourself. Replication is a set of technologies for copying and distributing data and database objects from one database to another and then synchronizing between databases for consistency. If replicating the whole database log shipping is an efficient solution with little overhead at the publisher. If you only need a subset of the database at the subscriber Transactional Replication is a good choice The next release of SQL is expected on making log shipping and replication co-exist such that you can use log shipping on a publishing server to create a warm backup and everything will work ok when you manage the failover. Satya SKJ
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