Lost Data | SQL Server Performance Forums

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Lost Data

Hi Guru, This weekend, I migrated SQL Server7.0 to 2000 and below is the scenarios: 1.) At exactly 4:00PM on Sturday 17th, do full backup(T-SQL) and put a database into single user mode.
2.) Copy both Saturday 4PM and Friday night full dump to the SAN.
3.) Delete WinNT4.0.
4.) Reinstall Win2003 and service pack3a.
5.) Copy Saturday 4PM backup file to the server and do restore and do user ID mapping. This database is in full mode and I do log backup every hour. However, after restoring the database, any changes after the 14th were missing. Now, When I restored Friday night backup, we still recovered data to the 16th. My question is, why the 17th 4PM backup did not copy any change from 15th to the 17th Saturday? I still had Sturday backup file, howe can I recover the 17th data? Log explorer or ApexSQLLog? Is this Disk issue? Thanks very much,
So you not only change SQL version, also change Windows version at the same time?
Luis Martin
SQL-Server-Performance.com One of the symptoms of an approaching nervous breakdown is the belief that one’s work is terribly important
Bertrand Russell
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Luis, I did not explain more clearly. The database that I lost data was from SQL Server2000 standard version with Win2000. In other words, the new Win2003 server has total of eleven databases where 10 fropm sql7.0 and 1 database from sql2000 standard version. However, we did not use databases where migrated from sql7.0 because we backed out to old sql7.0 server. Thanks,

may be there were some incomplete transaction in your log file and while backing up . Hemantgiri S. Goswami
[email protected]
"Humans don’t have Caliber to PASS TIME , Time it self Pass or Fail Humans" – by Hemantgiri S. Goswami

Yes, you could take help of third party tools to read the transaction log and check for any information. Try to reattch the .MDF and .LDF files than using the backup files. Satya SKJ
Contributing Editor & Forums Moderator
This posting is provided “AS IS” with no rights for the sake of knowledge sharing.
YEs You need a help of a database. there are tools like sql log rescue for these types of work —————————————-
