maintainence plan without killing users | SQL Server Performance Forums

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maintainence plan without killing users

Is it necessary to make the db in single user mode while creating a maintainence plan for it.
No the user database will not be used when the database maintenance plan is creating/created, only the master and msdb databases are used. The databsae will be locked or will be in single-user mode when running DBCC checks. Satya SKJ
This posting is provided “AS IS” with no rights for the sake of knowledge sharing.
Is this means when we run DBCC checks the db locks /go to single user mode automatically.
when you use REPAIR_REBUILD parameter with the maintenance plan, at that time the database should be in single user mode. If is is not in single user mode then it is not going to perform REPAIR_REBUILD. For other plans there is no need for a database to be in a single user mode. Thanks