MASTER compatibility level after upgrade | SQL Server Performance Forums

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MASTER compatibility level after upgrade

I finished a SQL2000 to SQL2005 (in the same server) upgrade, but I noticed that my MASTER database is still in SQL2000 compatibilty level.
MSDB, MODEL and TEMPDB are in SQL2005 level. Is there any special reason to upgrade process didn’t set MASTER level?
Is there any problem if I change this? Thanks.
Esio Nunes fyi. Satya SKJ
Microsoft SQL Server MVP
Contributing Editor & Forums Moderator
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Yep, that’s by design !
You’ll have to use e.g.
— generate upgrade db_level to ss2005 (90)
select ‘Exec sp_dbcmptlevel @dbname = ”’ + name + ”’ , @new_cmptlevel = 90 ‘ + char(13) + ‘Go’
from master.sys.databases
where compatibility_level <> 90
order by name to alter to sql2005 level. (only then will you sqlserver management studio provide reports. (for e.g. fileusage,…))