max amount of memory for the proces | SQL Server Performance Forums

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max amount of memory for the proces

i turn sql profiler on and getting this from time to time some trace event have not been reported to sql profiler because the server reached its maximum amount of available memory for the process what does it mean?
It means that profiler on the client is not able to keep up with events on the server. Make sure that you are not profiling to too low a level (e.g. don’t monitor locks:aquired, etc.) Failing that you can get the server to run the trace itself which will avoid this error Cheers
Another cause may be duration = 0.
Luis Martin …Thus mathematics may be defined as the subject in which we never know what we are talking about, nor whether what we are saying is true.
Bertrand Russell
well here is the reason why i ask: I setup sql trace dbcc traceon (1204)
and was able to cach deadlock. In that very same moment SQL Profiler was running from other computer.
This profiler was desined to cach deadlocks,deadlocks
chain ,and locks timeout.
But when i checked it out i didn ‘t find any notification about deadlock.
Insead a few milissec later i found the message lister uper in that post.
So i am wondering if that available memory for the proces somehow related to profilert
t cathc the error? I actully recorded deadloc in sql log a few few hour ago but profiler didn’t show anything as well and message about memory problem wasn’t appearing that time. Is that possible for profiler to miss deadlock
This might be caused due to if you trace a large number of events on a busy system. You can either try to limit the number of events you trace with a filter, orrun the trace on the server itself, but that can negatively impact server performance. Refer to the first tip listed in this link. _________
Satya SKJ

hello friend
i am the DBA of SQL server2000 but i am new in this field and i want to support from ur side plz give me suggetion of help me about tuninh the database
these r some specification which r i calculated plz tell me that it’s true and correct these —- edited
refer to duplicate post under Performance Tuning for Hardware Configuration forum.
Nasi Kinldy do not post multiple (duplicate) posts, refer to your thread at other forum.
Refer to this thread for specific comments on Nasi-Aslam’s thread.
Satya SKJ
