message could not be sent to the SMTP server | SQL Server Performance Forums

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message could not be sent to the SMTP server

I have a stored procedure which will send the notification from SQL server.This SP is being executed as job step.Though this job step shows success yet I can see the following msg in job history.What is wrong and where?How to fix this.Pls guide
.The message could not be sent to the SMTP server. The transport error code was 0x80040217. The server response was not available [SQLSTATE 01000] (Message 0). The step succeeded.
This is something issue from network side and SQL has nothing to do, may check with your network admin to deal with it. Satya SKJ
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Sounds like the SMTP server you are using requires authentication before you are able to send email through it. Verfiy if you can send a simple mail via command line using this link: XFOR: Telnet to Port 25 to Test SMTP Communication If a request for login and password shows up then that is your issue. It could also be that the SMTP server is rejecting the machine IP that is trying to send the email. Check with your network/mail guys.