Mirroring in SQL SERVER 2005 | SQL Server Performance Forums

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Mirroring in SQL SERVER 2005

Hi there, As far as I´ve been informed, the new feature about mirroring is SS 2005 can solve problems for enterprises (like where I work) that will never have budget to buy a hardware solution for replication.
Does anyone have ever tried this feature in SS 2005 ? Does it work ? Is it hard to configure ?
I´m far from installing and testing these BETA versions, but what I want to consider is to make a planning for this. Thks (and sorry my English !)
As you say the SQL 2005 is still in beat and MS will release the full version in this year.
http://www.microsoft.com/technet/prodtechnol/sql/2005/maintain/sqlydba.mspx&e=42 refers the gotchas for the DBAs in SQL 2005.
On my test environment I have successfully simulated the databsae mirroring with no issues. Satya SKJ
This posting is provided “AS IS” with no rights for the sake of knowledge sharing.