Monitor changes to table column names | SQL Server Performance Forums

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Monitor changes to table column names

New to the scene so watz up to the house!! My question?
I want to know imediatly when someone changes a column name or data type of a table.
DDL triggers will tell alert me on data type changes but not column name changes.
I can certainly create my own trigger but was wondering if something already exist and I just havent come accross it yet. Just trying to avoid re-inventing the wheel. Thanks
I believe DDL triggers will fire only for ALTER/CREATE/DROP statement but not when sp_rename procedure executes… sp_rename use DBCC RENAMECOLUMN procedure to rename the column… I never come across the trigger script for column rename…
If you write or find on the web please share with the group…
I’ll take a stap when I get some time.
FYI: stumbled across sp_foreachtabl & sp_foreachdb as possible solutions as well.

I believe you can’t run sp_foreachtabl & sp_foreachdb procedures at the same time…it uses global cursor…
Be aware there are undocumented stored procedures and it might not have affect on all the tables, within SQL 2005. Satya SKJ
Microsoft SQL Server MVP
Writer, Contributing Editor & Moderator
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