Moving DB to new location | SQL Server Performance Forums

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Moving DB to new location

HI I want to move whole SQL DB(including master,model and MSDB) to new drive.
Can you tell me, which is the best method to do it and what problems are expected.
I am moving it from one drive to another drive on same machine. Thank you

See for a great article on the same. Gaurav
Man thrives, oddly enough, only in the presence of a challenging environment- L. Ron Hubbard

For the same machine you can detach and attach the database as well. Gaurav
Man thrives, oddly enough, only in the presence of a challenging environment- L. Ron Hubbard

Best to go with SP_DETACH & SP_ATTACH method, and make sure to have complete backups including system and user database and keep it in safe location. _________
Satya SKJ
