Need information about protocols in SQL Server2005 | SQL Server Performance Forums

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Need information about protocols in SQL Server2005

I want to know the followings for an installation of SQL Server 2005 which is installed by accepting all the defaults: 1. Which protocols under SQL Server 2005 Network Configuration are enabled by defaults? 2. Which protocols under SQL Native Client Configuration are enabled by defaults? Will the answers for #1 and #2 vary: – among different editions of SQL Server 2005 including Express? – among different Windows O/S? – if SQL Server 2005 are installed by upgrading an existing instance of SQL Server 2000 or MSDE 2000? – due to the service accounts using for SQL Server Browser service and/or SQL Server Database service? – due to any other factors? 3. Which protocols under SQL Server 2005 Network Configuration need to be enabled if I want to run sqlcmd on the same machine? If Windows Firewall is not running, will it affect #3? If Windows Firewall is running, what exceptions need to be added?
Thanks for any help.

why don’t you open the surface area configuration utility and see for your self
or read the manual
Hi Joe, I do check BOL and actually tried some scenarios. To me, BOL is just a reference but it is not too reliable since things changed during development to final product. For #1 and #2, The only things that I can find is about the Editions and Upgrade but not the service accounts and Windows O/S related to the protocols. For #3, I ask about it because I got error message "Named not allow remote connection" when I issue sqlcmd, then I enabled all the protocols and it won’t work (firewall service is not started). Then I start the windows firewall service and check all the exceptions). Then somehow I can issue sqlcmd. Then I stop the windows firewall service and disabled all the protocols except named pipes. Now, i can still issue sqlcmd. This happens in Windows 2003 SP1.