Need some advices. | SQL Server Performance Forums

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Need some advices.

Hi,<br /><br />I’m new here and new with SQL Server. [<img src=’/community/emoticons/emotion-2.gif’ alt=’:D‘ />] I got to do project that call "E-metric Card System". My supervisor need me to do in VB 6.0 and MS SQL Server 2005. My questions are VB 6.0 can connect to MS SQL Server 2005? and which is more easier to use for DataBase either MySQL or MS SQL Server? Hopeully can get some advices here. Thanks in advance. [|)]<br /><br />Regards,<br />EvilOfNitemare<br /><br />-Beginner Of SQL Server-
Yes you can connect to SQL Server and mySQL from VB. selection is totaly upto you. MySQL is free unlike SQL Server. If I have the chice between them I will choose SQL Server
Sorry couldn’t give you conenctiong strings. find them here —————————————-
Owh, thanks dineshasanka. Btw, I’m using Windows XP Pro. The MS SQL Server 2005 and SQL Server 7.0 do not support OS WinXP Pro right? What must I do? Suggestion pls.. [<img src=’/community/emoticons/emotion-6.gif’ alt=’:(‘ />]<br /><br />-Beginner Of SQL Server-
no SQL Server 2005 standard and work group editions supoprt WinXp pro —————————————-
Hmm, I got my MS SQL Server 2005 DEVELOPER EDITION installed in my PC. Where should I surf for getting started to use MS SQL Server Management Studio? I’m learning to use the s/ware by my own. So, pls help me.. <img src=’/community/emoticons/emotion-6.gif’ alt=’:(‘ /><br /><br />-Beginner Of SQL Server-
You know about Books online, that is the best resource to know more about SQL server. Satya SKJ
Microsoft SQL Server MVP
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