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need your help

There are about 40 tables related to each other by a foreign key relations.
I was asked to track any changes made to this tables. i.e when a data is inserted or updated, I should keep which record is updated or inserted and the time the record is updated or deleted and hwo did the insert or update.
What is the best way to imlpement this. Is creating a trigger on each tables is a good way to implement it?
Or is there other best way?
I need your idea.
1). If wants to maintain only logs do it from your front end (when ever a user inserts/update/delete a record ) keeps a log for it
2). If you wants to store which data is updated/inserted/deleted create a trigger
3). If your organization afford you can monitor this activities using third party software like red-gate’s log rescue visit software spotlight section for more.
Hemantgiri S. Goswami
"Humans don’t have Caliber to PASS TIME , Time it self Pass or Fail Humans" – by Hemantgiri S. Goswami